Due to popular demand Kim Sanders and Bobby Singh will play an extra concert with Turkish mey virtuoso Songul Karahasanoglu before she returns to Turkey at the end of May.
The first nearly-unplugged gig is at St Luke’s Church Hall in Enmore on Saturday May 26 , the second in an even more intimate setting in Leura on Sunday May 27.
Mey virtuoso Songul Karahasanoglu
Songul is professor of Mey at the State Conservatorium in Istanbul and was one of Kim’s teachers on his many trips to Turkey since 1984. She has taught and performed in the US, but this is her first trip to Australia. Mey is a Turkish double reed instrument similar to the Armenian duduk.
Kim has studied , recorded and performed in Turkey, the Balkans, West Africa, Indonesia and China. A true Australian World Music pioneer, he will be playing gaida (Bulgarian bagpipe), Ganesha (hybrid Bulgarian-Turkish-Australian-Balinese hybrid bagpipe), kaval (long wooden Bulgarian-Turkish flute), ney (long cane flute used by ‘whirling dervishes” (Mevlevi Sufis).
Tabla-player Bobby Singh is well-known to Australian and overseas audiences for his performances of Hindustani Classical music as well as many varieties of “world fusion” music.
The trio will draw from a variety of musical sources including Turkish Classical, Balkan and Turkish folk, traditional music from Central Asia and Classical Hindustani music. There will also be strange and uncategorizable originals. These are musicians with a deep knowledge of their sources. As Doug Spencer (Weekend Planet (ABC Radio National) says: No“world fuzak” here!
St Luke’s Church, 11 Stanmore Rd, Enmore
7pm – 9pm, Saturday May 26
No bookings – get there early to be sure of a seat!
Drinks and snacks available before the show and at interval
This concert would not be possible without the assistance of Kinetic Energy Theatre Company
Private and intimate house party at Leura in the Blue Mountains
5pm – 7pm, Sunday May 27. Address on booking.
Includes famous complimentary Palace chai. BYO snacks and drinks if you wish
Donation $25/20 ($5 discount if you don’t park in the street of the house – friendly neighbour policy!)
Limited seating – entry by booking only: meg.musichunter@gmail.com
For more info, to arrange interviews etc see www.kimsandersworldmusic.com
FIRST CONCERT: St Luke’s Church, 11 Stanmore Rd, Enmore 7pm – 9pm, Saturday May 26 SECOND CONCERT: 5pm, Sunday May 27 at a private house party in Leura (address given upon booking)